Last Updated on September 23, 2019 by evrinasp
This is my English exercise, so correct me if there are many mistaken in sentences or vocabulary. I use dictionary a lot when I was writing this post. Thank you very much :D.
Hello friends, today I am very happy because of many things. First, I have a great fun with the farmers that incorporated in KWT Anggrek. This morning We did Rujak Party after cleaning up and doing some culture in our garden (I think this sentences is confusing hehe) . Second, Sunpride called me that the fruit package has been sent to my house. Third, tomorrow is weekend; I can spend my time with my family. And the last, because today is an English day at Fun Blogging.
I particulary welcome for this program because I have to fix my English that isn’t good enough. Actually, increasing English ability is one of my resolution that I have been publicized on the Cikuray Mountain at the end of 2014. But, the plan has not been implemented because of many reason. So when Fun Blogging made some English day, I promised to myself that I will join on that program.

One of my 2015 Resolution, Publicized on Cikuray Mountain at the end of 2014
In my opinion, we should overcome English language for any profession. Al least we can understand when people talking to us or we can write down many thing in English. As an agricultural extension officer, I must overcome English because I have to accompany some guest from another country.
Last month, there were some guest from Japan. Actually they were like me, they couldn’t speak English well. But I was afraid and felt so shame when I must opened the meeting. At that moment I want to disappear as soon as possible. Lucky me, student from Indonesia helped me to translate my language, he helped me allot that day and becoming communicator between me and the guest.
Now, I start to learn English by doing some exercise like this and join some conversation when English day coming in group Fun Blogging. Then, listening music could be the way to improve our ability. We can listen the song and then write down the lyric and translate into bahasa. I think we can get new vocabulary by doing that thing. My friend has improved it, she can speak English better because of listening music.
Okay friend, please help me to improve my ability. I hope my English could be better than now. Thank you very much.
*404 words*
*kalau ada kalimat atau kata yang aneh tolong kasih tau ya hehe, maklum baru belajar lagi*
My new vocabulary:
Incorporated = tergabung
Overcome = menguasai
Alhamdulillah I have some revisions from Bunda Yati Rachmat, and this is the corrections:
Hello friends, today I am very happy because of many things. First, I have a great fun with the farmers that incorporated in KWT Anggrek. This morning we organized Rujak Party after cleaning up and doing some culture in our garden (I think this sentence is confusing hehe) . Second, Sunpride called me that the fruit package has been sent to my house. Third, tomorrow is weekend; I can spend my time with my family. And the last, because today is an English day in Fun Blogging.
I particulary welcome this program because I have to improve my English that isn’t good enough. Actually, increasing the English ability is one of my resolutions that I publicized*) on the Cikuray Mountain at the end of 2014. But, the plan has not been implemented because of many reasons. So when Fun Blogging organized some English dayS, I promised to myself to join this new program (US: programe UK: programme).
*) You indicated the past tense at the end of 2014 so you have to use simple past: publicized
In my opinion, we should overcome the English language for any profession. Al least we can understand when people talking to us or we can write down many thingS in English. As an agricultural extension officer, I must overcome English because I have to accompany some guestS from another country.
Last month, there were some guestS from Japan. Actually they were like me, they couldn’t speak English well. But I was afraid and felt so ashame when I must open the meeting. At that moment I want to disappear as soon as possible. Lucky me, a student from Indonesia helped me to translate my language, he helped me a lot that day and became a communicator between me and the guest.
Now, I start to learn English by doing some exerciseS like this and join some conversationS when English day coming in group Fun Blogging. Then, listening to the music could be the way to improve our ability. We can listen to the song and then write down the lyric and translate it into bahasa. I think by doing that we can get new vocabulary. My friend has improved her English, she can speak English better than I do because of listening to the music.
Okay friendS, please help me to improve my ability. I hope my English could be better than now. Thank you very much.
Dear Evrina, your English is good. We are all learning together to improve our English.
I’m afraid too, but try to write in English
of course sista I want to learn in order to speak and writing english
Glad you could join us! 😀 Let’s train our ears. Listen to musics, movies, and tv. The more we practise, the better we will get. 😀
okay teacher I’ll do it, I’ll study hard cause I wanna have ability in english
It’s a good start. You did great! 😀
thank you mas, i’ll try my best
*buka kamus
monggo mbak hehe
Mbak, fun blogging itu komunitas untuk blogger dgn tulisan bahasa inggris???
jadi mau juga belajar nulis english kayak mbak ev..
bukan, itu komunitas tempat belajar, cuma ada hari dimana harus english day yaitu jumat
Saya klo mbaca dong mksude mbak…tapi klo nulis….nggak pede ** oleh koment pake b. Indo kan?
boleh mbak tenang ae, ayooo kita sama2 belajar
I want to post my blog in english, too, Mbak. But untill now… my post just stay in draft.. *cry*
ayoooo mulai mbak, i’m trying too, it was not difficult as we tough when we could try it
bagus inggris nya. btw, bljar d mana ya mba bisa kaya gtu?
aku belajar sendiri pake kamus terus ikut english day di grup Fun Blogging
I have a program for my self too, and I write it on my blog
waw You cool, let’s exercise together, I need some friend to correct my speech and writing
We have to improve our English Mbak, totally agree. I had experiences where I was too afraid to talk in English but the interviewer (the COO) said that you only need to improve your conversation – be confidence to talk in English.
I am not part of Fun Blogging so this is the first time I heard about the English program. 😀 Do you join BEC – Blog English Club – also Mbak?
no, I don’t because I am afraid, I am only joint the exercise in Fun Blogging